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The agenda for the Tribe’s Children’s After School Program in English and Klallam.


Tribal youth study their Klallam language lessons in the Jamestown Tribal Library.




Was he čičməhán or Chetzemoka?
The Chief’s Klallam name was čičməhán, roughly pronounced Cheech-ma-han. The settlers had trouble pronouncing it, and called him Chetzemoka or Duke of York.


Klallam language was still spoken in many homes through the first half of the 20th century, when most Tribal people spoke both Klallam and English. By 1992, with only six Native speakers remaining, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe contacted linguist Dr. Timothy Montler of the University of North Texas to help save the language, and it became his life’s work. He worked with those six Tribal citizens, all of whom had learned to speak Klallam before they learned to speak English, translating hundreds of common words as well as recordings made by earlier linguists in the 1940s and 50s. Montler transcribed the pronunciations of what had been only a spoken language into a phonetic alphabet to create a written language.


The Klallam alphabet is based on a standard set of phonetic symbols used in writing many of the Native American languages of the Northwest. Since the Klallam language has several sounds not found in European languages like English, some special symbols must be used to represent these sounds.



The Klallam alphabet shown in their alphabetical order:


With the help of Elders, educators, and Tribal Councils of the Klallam Tribes at Elwha, Port Gamble, and Jamestown, Washington, and Becher Bay on Vancouver Island, in 2012 Linguist Dr. Timothy Montler published his comprehensive dictionary of the Klallam language. It includes over 9,000 entries.


Swan School is named after James Gilchrist Swan (1818-1900), who traveled from Boston to the Pacific Northwest in 1852. He resided at several Native villages including Shoalwater Bay and Neah Bay, where he served as a school teacher, learning the languages, documenting cultures, and developing relationships with Tribal leaders. In 1859, he settled in Port Townsend, where his relationship with čičməhán flourished. He published many books and articles of his life among the Natives and the early settlers.




čičməhán Trail Map...



Chetzemoka Park Four Points Fowler Building Hudson Beach/Big Heart Laurel Grove Cemetery Memorial Field North Beach Northwest Maritime Center Port Townsend Ferry Overlook Point Hudson Port Townsend Post Office Point Wilson qatay Lagoon qatay Prairie qatay Valley entinel Rock Swan School Union Wharf/Indian Island


Click the markers on the map above to visit the
trail site pages.


Trail Sign Locations:


  1. Chetzemoka Park
    900 Jackson St. (main entrance)
  2. Hudson Beach/Big Heart
    103 Hudson St.
  3. Point Hudson
    103 Hudson St.
  4. Northwest Maritime Center
    Water St. & Monroe St.
  5. Village at Memorial Field
    Washington St.
  6. Fowler Building
    226 Adams St.
  7. Union Wharf/Indian Island
    Wharf on end of Taylor St.
  8. Port Townsend Ferry Overlook
    1200 Block of Washington St.
  9. Port Townsend Post Office
    1322 Washington St.
  10. qatáy Lagoon

  11. Laurel Grove Cemetery
    24th St. & Discovery Rd.
  12. Swan School / Klallam language
    2345 Kuhn St.
  13. Sentinel Rock
    1948 Blaine St. (Golf Course)
  14. qatáy Prairie
    1948 Blaine St.
  15. Four Points
    Blaine St. & and VanBuren St.
  16. qatáy Valley
    Pacific Ave.& Milo St.
  17. North Beach
    End of Kuhn St.
  18. Point Wilson
    Fort Worden







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Laurel Grove Cemetery 


 Sentinel Rock




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